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China implements measures to facilitate entry of foreigners

发布日期:2024-02-21 09:17:19
BEIJING, Jan. 11 (Xinhua) -- China has put into effective a set of measures to facilitate the entry of foreign nationals into China for business, education and tourism, the National Immigration Administration (NIA) said Thursday.

The new measures, effective from Thursday, include a relaxation of port visa application requirements and access to visa extension, replacement, and issuance services at local immigration departments for foreign nationals coming to or staying in China for non-diplomatic and non-official purposes such as commercial cooperation, exchanges, investment, entrepreneurship, visiting relatives and personal matters.

Foreign nationals enjoy 24-hour direct transit without undergoing border check procedures at nine major airports in cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Xiamen, and Guangzhou.

Additionally, multiple-entry visas are available for foreigners in need, and the application requirement for visa documents has been streamlined for foreigners staying in China, according to the NIA.

The NIA has vowed to continuously advance reforms and innovation in immigration management services and policies, improve the business environment, and contribute to the creation of a new development pattern.




二是外籍人员在北京首都机场等枢纽空港口岸24小时直接过境免办查验手续。在北京首都、北京大兴、上海浦东、杭州萧山、厦门高崎、广州白云、深圳宝安、成都天府、西安咸阳9个国际机场,推行24小时直接过境旅客免办边检手续。 对于持24小时内国际联程机票,经上述任一机场过境前往第三国或地区的出入境旅客,可以免办边检手续,直接免签过境。



五是简化在华外籍人员签证证件申办材料。外籍人员申办签证证件时,对于通过信息共享可查询到本人住宿登记记录、企业营业执照等信息的,可免予查验相关纸质证明材料;在华外籍人员办理亲属短期探亲团聚类签证的,可以邀请人亲属关系声明替代亲属关系证明。 最后,欢迎海内外客户拜访e体育网站官网,洽谈业务,共同开创美好的未来!